Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Dubai

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Dubai

Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM) is a coordinated risk management process that places great stress on co-operation among different departments of an organization to manage its range of risk as a whole. ERM is basically a framework that offers effective management of uncertainties, immediate response to the risks as they appear and exploit the opportunities as they come-up. The robust framework has different elements including policies, processes, tools, action reports and a refined structure of ideal governance. Aimstorm VAT Accounting, known for its fully integrated risk practice, has the size and capabilities to address all risk issues and deliver end-to-end solution. To hold and achieve strategic aims, various organizations take on risks and ERM is the overall management of all such emerging risks. It is thus, the sum of the risks that businesses or organizations face in different categories and focus on the optimization of the balance. The URM framework encompasses various elements given below.

Diagnostic review of the risk management

ERM involves diagnostic review of the organizational process related to risk management. The organization performs a study on risk management structure, underlying procedures and policies for overall risks. And this forms the base document for overall ERM. Risk identification: A strategy of process and sub-process is defined that helps in identifying the risk underlying each one of them.
risk management Dubai

Risk assessment and measurement

According to the nature of the risks, templates are designed. If the risk can be quantified, the measurement models are developed. Risk control and mitigation: The risks and the underlying controls are identified, and then an assessment is performed for the comprehensiveness and effectiveness. A corrective action plan is drafted and implemented to mitigate the impacts of the risks. Risk monitoring, reporting: Risk monitoring and reporting process is drafted and developed, with clarity on the reporting frequency and other vital factors. A clear outline of the risk monitoring is drawn. Decision making: The risk management is embedded into strategic decision making at the top levels. A risk based portfolio strategy is thus, designed and prepared. Aimstorm VAT Accounting prepares a risk management strategy that increases risk awareness, facilitating better operational and strategic decisions. We help undertaking more informed and better risk management decisions. We assist formulating an effective strategy and framework for risk management. Our correct risk strategies to achieve the strategic aim helps to ensure that the risk is appropriately managed. Our enterprise-wide risk management strategy definitely helps reducing the risk factor within the whole organizational network.
risk management UAE

Reliable & safe

Financial Regulation

Licensed by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under licence number 138/11 in accordance with the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.

Insured Client Funds

We are a proud member of the Investor Compensation Fund which acts as a guarantor of last resort for our investors. IFC covers the maximum amount of 20.000 EUR for MiFID clients.

Segregated Accounts

Investor’s money is kept in segregated accounts with top-tier banks that cannot be claimed by creditors or used by us. Account base currencies are available in EUR, GBP, USD, CHF and JPY.

Negative Balance Protection

Through the use of an automated transaction monitoring and risk management system, a Consulting WP client’s account will never be allowed to reach negative balance.

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